Saturday, July 17, 2010

Inception: "True Inspiration is impossible to fake"

I must admit, that I was pretty unaware about Inception, till the day it was released. Guess, I have been having pretty much on my mind of late. But, ever since I started hearing about the movie, I have been bombarded with rave reviews, advices on how to watch it, etc. All this pretty much gave me the impression that this will be another over hyped Hollywood Sci-Fi flick which will leave me wondering, “Why did I end up wasting two and a half hours!!!”. I was pretty much certain that it will be another case of some ‘talented’ Director trying to show off his so called ‘Charisma’

This gave me an opportunity to walk in to see the movie with a blank slate since I didn’t know what to expect. This turned out to be a pretty good turn of events, making me realize that the term ‘Ignorance is bliss’, can sometimes be true.

I was hoping Christopher Nolan would not let me down after ‘The Dark Night’ and he did not disappoint me by laying out a cerebral movie which had several aspects of human emotions and a plot to die for. The visuals, as expected from Christopher, are mind blowing and did leave me holding my breath many times during the movie. The incredible zero-gravity scene just blew my mind.

The best part about the movie is the plot, which is not just a story, but has been cleverly crafted into layers which unfold as the movie progresses. Every character had a purpose and mattered even though the story did revolve around Leo. We are introduced to the premise of the movie by the introduction of the rookie Ellen Page is introduced to the foreign concept of breaking into people’s minds. As things are explained to her, they are explained to us as well.

Even though this movie comes across as a masterpiece of storytelling, I thought there was a lot of explaining going on. It’s done well but there is a lot to absorb. This may be too much for viewers who walk in thinking this will just be a popcorn visual effects film. It’s a fair warning not to take the film lightly. You have to be awake and ready to take in the film, not just watch it. As I was leaving the theater there were people raving while others were dumbfounded.

The movie deserves and demands viewing more than once with intricate set pieces which are so breathtaking and jaw dropping that staying focused on the movie will need no exertion. I’m sure watching this movie again will reveal even more about the story that I missed because there is a lot going on as the movie layers dreams on top of dreams to the point where a unique keepsake called a “totem” is required in order to inform a character as to whether or not he or she is still dreaming. (which might actually be a good part) The totem, does provide an interesting ending which got almost everybody to the edge of their seats.

Overall the plot and the visuals make this heavy film that much more amazing to take in. I guess all I have to say is that I don’t mind that Christopher Nolan decided to put aside Batman 3 to take time to make this amazing movie.